
The Star/Orphans Hope Lodge No. 182, held their 35th Annual Degree In The Woods, on Saturday, August 10th, 2019, at Martinsville, Ohio, location of the meeting place (Degree Site) is located at 479 Cemetery Road, Martinsville, Ohio. And offered the following Degrees: Initiation, First Degree, Second Degree, and Third Degree to all the new members.
 Members going through Initiation Degree. Photographed by Gregory Syroney.
 Initiation Degree Members. Photographed by Gregory Syroney.
 First Degree Members. Photographed by Gregory Syroney.
 Second Degree Members. Photographed by Gregory Syroney.
 Third Degree Members. Photographed by Gregory Syroney.
 Officers of Ohio. Photographed by Gregory Syroney.