
2017 Degree In The Woods Saturday, July 22, 2017
This years attendance total was 37 this also includes the 10 Candidates we had for this year.

Paul McAfee questions the 6 Candidates in the Initiatory Degree to prepare the for the First Degree.

Preparing the 10 Candidates with the Third Degree.

In This Picture (NOT IN ORDER): Jeff Sindle with Ephraim Lodge #46, Payton Smith with Tipp City Lodge #247, Scott Smith with Tipp City Lodge #247, Jerry Ryde with Vienna Lodge #345, Brian Brooks with Ephraim Lodge #146, Beryon L. McCourt III with Deep Cut Lodge #311, Charles Thomas with Angola Lodge #231, Helena Olderman with Angola Lodge #231, Mark Hasser with Yellow Springs Lodge #275, and Lynn Alexander with Yellow Springs Lodge #275.

In This Picture (NOT IN ORDER): Grand Representative Charles Carson with Vienna Lodge #345, Grand Master Wayne Long with Epheraim Lodge #146, Terry Alexander with Yellow Springs Lodge #279, Deputy Grand Master Garwood Faunce with Tippecanoe Lodge #247, Grand Warden Roger Woods with Vienna Lodge #345, District Deputy Eddie Smart with Star/Orphans Hope Lodge #182, Jeff Sindle with Ephraim Lodge #46, Payton Smith with Tipp City Lodge #247, Scott Smith with Tipp City Lodge #247, Jerry Ryde with Vienna Lodge #345, Brian Brooks with Ephraim Lodge #146, Beryon L. McCourt III with Deep Cut Lodge #311, Charles Thomas with Angola Lodge #231, Helena Olderman with Angola Lodge #231, Mark Hasser with Yellow Springs Lodge #275, and Lynn Alexander with Yellow Springs Lodge #275.
