
2016 Degree In The Woods

Sitting (Left to Right): Walter Scott, with Orient Lodge No. 337, in Portsmouth, Ohio, Gary Misko, with the Columbia Lodge No. 32, in Circleville, Ohio, Barbara Misko, with Columbia Lodge No. 32, in Circleville, Ohio.
Standing (Left to RIght): Josh McElhatten, with Caledonia Lodge No. 299, in Caledonia, Ohio, Nathan Welty, with Troy Lodge No. 43, in Casstown, Susan Harrison, with Yellow Springs Lodge No. 279, in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Sitting (Left to Right): Grand Master Robert Henderson, with the Grand Lodge of Ohio, Walter Scott, with Orient Lodge No. 337, in Portsmouth, Ohio, Gary Misko, with the Columbia Lodge No. 32, in Circleville, Ohio, Barbara Misko, with Columbia Lodge No. 32, in Circleville, Ohio.
Standing (Left to RIght): Josh McElhatten, with Caledonia Lodge No. 299, in Caledonia, Ohio, Nathan Welty, with Troy Lodge No. 43, in Casstown, Susan Harrison, with Yellow Springs Lodge No. 279, in Yellow Springs, Ohio, District Deputy Grand Master Eddie Smart, with the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

The following Degrees will be offered by the Star/Orphans Hope Lodge No. 182, IOOF, and the Hiawatha Encampment No. 70, IOOF, in Martinsville, Ohio. Initiation, First Degree, Second Degree, and Third Degree.
July 30, 2016 – 11:45 am - Degree in the Woods - Martinsville, Ohio - Location of the Meeting Place (Degree Site) is 479 Cemetery Road, Martinsville, Ohio. Cemetery Road is located ½ mile South off State Route 134. Lodge will open at 11:45 am with Degree Work beginning at 12:00(Noon). All four Degrees of the Odd Fellows will be conferred.
As custom this class of candidates will be dedicated to our Grand Master Robert Henderson.
There will be a dinner served which cost is $8.00. Please make reservation with Eddie Smart, 7384 E. St .Rt. 28, Martinsville, OH. Email esmartioof@yahoo.com or Phone 937-685-4825. Remember dinners will be served by reservation only as the meal is catered.
Please have reservations in by Wednesday, July 27, 2016.
Please have a letter requesting Degree Work and let’s have a big class of candidate’s for Grand Master.
Seating is limited so you may want to bring your own lawn chair and don’t forget your regalia.
Looking forward to seeing you at Martinsville.
Your's in F.L.T., Star/Orphans Hope Lodge No. 182
Degree In The Woods Reservation Form can be Downloaded by Clicking Here.

CLICK HERE to download the Degree In The Woods Flyer.