
Star/Orphans Hope Lodge No. 182, in Martinsville, Ohio, was established on May 3rd, 1851, by J. B. Thomas. The Charter Members were: Caleb Stephen Parker, Samual Hiatt, Daniel Rizer, Jacob Glenn, Levi Pike, John Devis, Chambers Hiatt, Ed Bond, and David A. Thompson. The first officers were as follows Caleb Stephen Parker; Noble Grand, Samuel Hiatt; Vice Grand, Levi Pike; Secretary, and Jacob Glenn; Treasurer. In 1915 the officers were as followed: W. W. West; Noble Grand, Clint Mooney; Vice Grand, F. W. Spencer; Secretary, S. C. Turner; Treasurer, and Trustees: C. B. Clelland, B. W. Williamson, and George Cochran.
We are a Non-Profit Fraternal Beneficiary Society - 501(c)(8) Organization. We are also known as to be called "Odd Fellows". We are also affiliate with Hiawatha Encampment No. 70, in Martinsville, Ohio. And we are a Diversity & Inclusion Lodge.

5 REASONS why you should Join the Star/Orphans Hope Lodge No. 182, of Independent Order of Odd Fellows:
- We are one of the the oldest fraternal organizations in the world.
- Odd Fellowship follows a tradition that was established in Great Britain over 250 years ago - it is an ancient fraternity.
- We have around 250,000 members in more than 28 countries. Our sister organization in United Kingdom, The Oddfellows, also have around 250,000 members
- Our lodge emphasize active community support as well as social activities for members, in addition to the historical traditions.
- We are non-political and non-sectarian. We accept men and women regardless of religion, race, gender, and social status.

We are the family of Oddfellowship, composed of Men, Women, and Youth, believing in a supreme being, the creator and preserver of the universe, who have come together in our local communities having the same beliefs and values as others, that; Friendship, Love and Truth are the basic guidelines that we need to follow in our daily lives. Through working in our local Communities, States, Provinces, or Nationally we understand that we can make a difference in the lives of people in our World.
• Do you believe that Friendship, Love and Truth should be the basic guidelines to live by?
• Do you believe in a supreme being, the creator and preserver of the universe?
• Do you want to make a difference?
YES? Then we need you!
Your community needs you!
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows began in 17th Century England, it was deemed odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need without recognition and pursuing projects for the benefits of all mankind.
Our deep history began in North America, with the United States and Canada in 1819, and is continually expanding throughout the World where we are a worldwide fraternity in 26 countries. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are striving to make the world a better place in which to live, seeking To Improve and Elevate the Character of Mankind.
Odd Fellows have also become known in many areas as "The Three Link Fraternity" which is evidenced by our world wide "Three Link Emblem" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth. These three links symbolize the chain that binds our members together and illustrates that our Communities, States, Provinces and Nations are strongest when joined together.
Our Mission
Non-Discrimination Policy
Join Us

Meeting held at the United Methodist Church on State Route 28, and sometimes at Degree Site on Cemetery Road (County Road 60).
Degree Site on Cemetery Road (County Road 60).